Four Ways You Can Ring in the New Year More Organized

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2024

As this year is fast coming to an end, it’s a great time to think of how next year can be better, more organized. Reflect on what went well this year and what could be better. This is useful in all areas of life. As I say all the time, let’s keep it simple!

1. Gather up your paperwork needed for taxes now. It’s easier to catch it as it becomes available or comes in and place it in a central location. I recommend a folder to help keep it all together. For the tech savvy, start scanning in those receipts now. Can you even imagine how good it will feel to move into the New Year with all of that pesky tax paperwork in order?

2. Put away your Christmas decorations organized. This does take a little more time and you will be glad next year that you did. There are so many great products out there that can help you safely get your decorations stored in an orderly fashion. I’ve listed a few here:( Below are my affiliate links, if you choose to purchase I do receive a...

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Answer This Question to Declutter Your Closet

Uncategorized Dec 07, 2023

 What Does Your Personal Style Say to Others?

By taking the time to answer this question you could save a ton of money because you  would purchase only the items that are truly you.  Here are a couple of other questions I’d like you to ponder. Think about your last purchase, have you worn it yet? Where did you buy it, online or in person? What led you to make the purchase? If trendy isn’t working for you, read on. 

Personal style is the way a person expresses themselves. This can be in your house decor, music, art, travel, hair, makeup or fashion. Your style should come from a place of knowing yourself. Trends are nice to look at and fun to try but most of us have closets filled with clothing we aren’t wearing. The most common reason I hear from organizing clients is that it just didn’t look right when they got it home. More than likely this is due to wearing  “store blinders” . The blinders are the ones that show the...

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Creating An Organized Kitchen

Uncategorized Nov 13, 2023

An organized kitchen makes everyday life easier and efficient. It’s easy to lose perspective in the kitchen no matter what size. Here are three thoughts that you can use to have the organized kitchen perfect for you. My next blog will be kitchen themed too, as this is a pretty common area of clutter and disorganization.

  1. Assess: Get a look at the lay of the land. This will be the deciding factor in what organizing systems you can use and how many items you can accommodate.
    • How much space you have to work with in cabinets? Countertop?
      • You may want to take “before” photos and then clear out the space to see with fresh eyes
  2. Create Zones: Walk the space as you use it. What do you like about it? What don’t you like?
    • Take the time to figure out what you would like to have in close proximity to the appliances. This is really a good place to start. Sounds simple? Honestly, this is what makes the kitchen functional for you. In turn, your kitchen...
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Creating A Dream Closet

Uncategorized Nov 01, 2023

Closets hold so much of our stuff! A properly set up closet can make all the difference between clutter and organized. I am sharing some tips on organizing your closet and 3 great systems to use for creating your dream closet.


Tips on Creating an Organized Closet:

  1. Identify what is working in your closet
  2. Identify what is not working in your closet
  3. Inventory the items in your closet
  4. Purge what you don’t like
  5. Donate what no longer fits
  6. Throw away the items that are torn beyond repair or stained      


 This blog contains affiliate links such as the one below. If you take action (i.e. subscribe, make a purchase) after clicking one of these links, I’ll receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.


Closet Shelves Tower-Modular Closet Systems with drawers(4), Corner Closet System-Closet Organizers and Storage Shelves

  • Forever Warranty
  • Made in the U.S.A
  • Patented System
  • Furniture Grade Boards


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5 Tips on Discipline to Live Organized

Uncategorized Oct 18, 2023

One of the comments I get is, “I bet your house is very organized.” I’d be lying if I said, “yes.” Truth be told, life gets crazy and busy at my house too. What I can say is discipline is what has made a huge impact in my quest to live organized.

What is discipline? According to Google, it is the practice of training people or an activity that provides mental or physical training.

Discipline is an action that takes practice to achieve a desired outcome. (That is my thought on discipline!)

Here are 5 disciplined actions to help you live organized:

  1. Make your bed. Did you know that making your bed each morning is living organized? It actually makes your bedroom look less cluttered and put together. This gives you the first win of the day! Of course, having no clutter on your bed is why you can make your bed. That is organized!
  2. Before you go to bed, set up the next day. By looking at your planner, you can get the items ready that you will need...
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Uncategorized Oct 04, 2023

It is not a secret that Americans have a lot of stuff. According to an article by The L.A. Times, there are 300,000 items in the average American home. Stuff can add up and take a toll. It costs us money, takes up space, and can even affect where we live. Stuff plays a role in health issues too.

What is S.T.U.F.F?

It is anything that simply takes us from freedom. In this blog, I am only referencing the material aspect. So, stuff is:

  • “Things we cannot live without.”
  • “Things we cannot get rid of.”
  • The “what-ifs”. This is the thinking that goes something like this, “ what if I get rid of _______ and then I need it?

When we allow stuff to have a hold on us in a very real emotional way, we’ve lost freedom. It is difficult to freely make a good decision in and amongst the clutter. Then we become a slave to our things.

In the United States, there are over 50,000 storage facilities with new ones popping up every day. (Don’t get me...

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Adjusting to Change in an Organized Way

Uncategorized Sep 18, 2023

They say, “change is good.” I would say it’s one of the most challenging aspects of life. Good changes are included in this. The funny thing is that it’s not the change that’s challenging; it’s how we adjust to the change. As an Organizer, I work with my clients as they experience change. To transition in an organized way, you need to understand the reasons change is challenging. Once you’ve done this, you can utilize strategies to work through change and this is what I’d call living an organized life. Creating order in your day is the foundation of an organized life.

Why is Change Challenging?

Here are some reasons I’ve seen in my own life as well as in the life of an organizing client:

  • Causes you to step out of your comfort zone. Truth be told, it is easier to stay in an unpleasant situation than it is to break free from it. It is scary outside the comfort zone because of the unknowns.
  • A feeling of loss of control, especially...
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"I Failed!"

Uncategorized Sep 07, 2023

Though I have helped hundreds of people get organized since I started this business six years ago, I still struggle to stay organized! Does that surprise you? Well, I wasn’t born organized. It's something I've had to learn! It is at this point right here where I fall down from time to time. The first time it happened, I thought I had failed at becoming organized and staying organized. My intention here is to share that I got back up and continued to live organized.

Backsliding is the term we use in the organizing biz. It entails setting up a system and for a myriad of reasons, the clutter and disorganization shows its ugly head. This is completely NORMAL!!! It can last a day or couple of weeks and can happen more than once. The best piece of advice I can give is to remain calm, give yourself grace, you’ll get back in the groove. If you do happen to get down on yourself, it will take a lot longer to get back on track.

Let’s look at some causes of...

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10 Tips to Improve Productivity

Uncategorized Aug 21, 2023

Life is busy! Some days have you feeling as if you haven’t accomplished a single thing. The list you started the day with continues to grow throughout the day leaving you feeling overwhelmed. Whether you work in Corporate America, are in business for yourself, or run the household as a domestic engineer, productivity is important. By definition, productivity is the state of producing. How can you be a better producer? Below are ten tips I personally use in my life as well in the lives of my organizing clients.

  1. Use a daily planner. I cannot stress this enough! Pen to paper connection is powerful. I use the Living Well Planner because it allows me to keep track of all aspects of my life! All planners are not the same. It’s good to know what you like and need because functionality is key. this is an affiliate link that I am sharing with you because I love this product so much!)
  2. Identify your top three priorities of the day. Simply begin...
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Ways to Cut Grocery Costs

Uncategorized Aug 07, 2023

If there is anything I love doing, it’s saving money at the grocery store. Grocery costs
are up 12% since last year according to This means the $500 you used
to pay for groceries is now $560! Yikes!! One other “fun” fact from the USDA website is
that as of January 2023, the cost of groceries for a family of four ranged from $1,025 (
Thrifty plan) to $1,675 (Liberal food plan). So how can we save a little money on

Shop the sales. This allows you to create a meal based on what’s on sale and what you
may have at home. Did you know that most items go on sale every 6-8 weeks, so get in
the rhythm to buy enough when it is on sale to last you 6-8 weeks.(Word to the wise,
sale is when the item is 30-50% off regular price ). Buy what you actually eat and don’t
buy it because it is on sale.

Create a meal plan. This is key because the grocery list is created from the ingredients
you need to make these meals. Having this as your foundation, makes...

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