Life Balance 2.0


When aspects of the body are balanced-life is VERY good- it becomes the 2.0 version of YOU!

Day to day life with hectic schedules really interrupt the balance if there isn’t an intentional plan in place. Anxiety, depression, stress, weight gain, foggy brain can result from an imbalance of the mind, the body and the spirit.

Let me show you what an intentionally balanced plan looks like. Feel free to add to this list of suggestions as you wish.






The Life balance 2.0 plan involves your choice of one of each category to be practiced on a daily basis. It doesn’t have to be the same 3 each day. Tailor it to you.


7 DAY PLAN- Make a conscious effort to practice Life Balance 2.0 each day for 7 days. Pick one activity from each category and do it! Note at the end of each day what worked and what didn’t work. Tweak as needed for the next day. There is no right or wrong answer. Here is where it gets intentional, you may have to plan to wake up a little earlier to implement quiet reflection or getting in some exercise, etc. Schedule each of the 3 activities as an appointment on your calendar. You are more likely to stick with it.


21 DAY PLAN- this is if you want more after completing the 7 day. You are craving balance in your life! Set it up the same way as the 7 day and then you will evaluate the current week to set up the next week by deciding what worked and what didn’t. Feel free to coordinate with your calendar. This should be set up to be almost foolproof. Do whatever you need to do be successful for the 21 days. You can do this!!!!!! Have an accountability buddy do this with you. This really helps you stay on task when faced with temptation. Building in extra time to accomplish the 3 activities is crucial to success.( It doesn’t have to be a lot of time but enough time for you)


EVERY DAY OR MOST EVERY DAY- You have found your balance and want to live every day in your 2.0 self. Congratulations! What will it take to live every day or almost every day in a 2.0 state? The same thing you did for 7 day and 21 day along with more tweaking as life changes.

Maybe exercise in the morning is no longer possible due to work so you move it to the evening. Perhaps you are going on vacation, try to eat healthy but don’t be so rigid you miss out on the point of vacation.

Each day should begin with scheduling your 3 activities from your life balance 2.0 plan and then move on from there. There may be days when those 3 activities are all you accomplish for that day. GREAT!! There may be a day or 2 where only 1 or 2 get done, it’s okay. Try to do better the next day. If you fall off for longer than a week, it’s time to reevaluate the list and see what you need. You may be in need of positive inspiration to get back on track. Don’t give in to negativity no matter what!!!!

Enjoy the 2.0 version of YOU


50% Complete

Two Step

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