The Closet Connection

Uncategorized Jan 20, 2017

I was recently reflecting on why closets seem to be the most common space people would like organized.

For me, having been a closet clutterer I think the closet is where we hide everything about ourselves. Yep, by closing that door, we’ve hidden it or have we??????

Maybe, you’ve hidden purchases from your significant other? You don’t want them to know you are a “shopper”. “No, it’s not new…I’ve had this a long time.” Sound familiar?

Perhaps you just don’t want to face how much money you’ve spent on shoes or clothes? It’s easy to throw it in the closet and pretend you didn’t buy anything!

Has a weight gain caused you to buy another size to add to that closet? I see clients with a lot of sizes in their closet. This is in hopes of getting back to the smallest size. Now, chances are that if you are carrying more than a 4 size range in your closet you are not going to wear these clothes you’ve hung onto. Of course not…you are going out to buy new stuff to celebrate your weight loss. More than likely, the clothes in your closet are not even your style now that you’ve lost weight.

A lot of times overflowing closets are due to the fact you just can’t let go. Each article of clothing invokes a memory! “It was a gift!” “ I wore this when….” Those thoughts can really clutter up a closet! If it doesn’t fit and is not your style, feel free to get rid of it.

The closet really holds the key to our inner self. The door allows to open and face what we were hiding from or avoiding.  Cleaning out the closet, cleans out the innermost aspect of yourself, your spirit. It is freeing and even makes you lighter!

So, what’s in your closet?????

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Until next time….one project at a time







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