Organizing the worst area of the houseā€¦.

Uncategorized Aug 03, 2016

What is it with the junk drawer? Everyone has at least 1, but probably more! Why do we have them?  Is it because we just don’t know what to do with that little random thing? Is it because we don’t feel like putting things back where they belong so they end up in the junk drawer as temporary storage? Sometimes I wonder if there is any rhyme or reason to what we hang onto.

Mostly, I see the junk drawer as a place of miscellaneous storage… which by itself is not such a bad thing. However, once the junk drawer can no longer be contained and grows into more than one, it’s time to make a change. Have you noticed that you can’t find a darn thing in the junk drawer?  I wonder why… need some organizing of that space.


The first thing I did for mine was to ask what was the purpose of my junk drawer? Is it to catch the stuff that winds up on the kitchen counter? Is it to make life easier by putting items in there that you would otherwise need to go into other areas of the house to find? Is it to hid the clutter when company comes over? Well…my junk drawer was to be an office as well as organized place to keep little miscellaneous objects like paperclips. Clearly, the organizer I was using was ineffective, it only has 4 compartments and I can’t customize it.



After doing a little research I found a company called, Uncluttered Designs and they made the perfect organizer for my needs. It has compartments if I want to make them and open space if I don’t. I can actually wash it in hot water. It can be used for more than the junk drawer. You can use it in  your office or in your child’s play area, even in the garage! Imagine putting all of those little toys and parts in their own compartment??? That to me is AWESOME!!! All for under $30!!!


It was like Christmas morning when my box arrived from Amazon! Immediately, I went to work in the junk drawer and in a matter of 15 minutes I had a completely organized junk drawer!

(By the way, I don’t get any money for endorsing this product but I do want them all over my house now.)

This got me to thinking that I would like to challenge you to the Junk Drawer Challenge.

There is no cost to the challenge unless you would like to purchase something to help in your organizing efforts. I would like to have you get to only 1 junk drawer and have that drawer designed for a specific purpose in mind. Organize accordingly.


Please post your intent and success with pictures on my Facebook page.


                             The 15 minute completed project is seen above.


For more 15 minute projects you can go to my website,


It’s been my pleasure sharing this with you,


Darlene Illig

Professional Organizer

“From clutter and beyond…”


50% Complete

Two Step

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