Four Ways You Can Ring in the New Year More Organized

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2024

As this year is fast coming to an end, it’s a great time to think of how next year can be better, more organized. Reflect on what went well this year and what could be better. This is useful in all areas of life. As I say all the time, let’s keep it simple!

1. Gather up your paperwork needed for taxes now. It’s easier to catch it as it becomes available or comes in and place it in a central location. I recommend a folder to help keep it all together. For the tech savvy, start scanning in those receipts now. Can you even imagine how good it will feel to move into the New Year with all of that pesky tax paperwork in order?

2. Put away your Christmas decorations organized. This does take a little more time and you will be glad next year that you did. There are so many great products out there that can help you safely get your decorations stored in an orderly fashion. I’ve listed a few here:( Below are my affiliate links, if you choose to purchase I do receive a small amount to help keep the blog alive and it is not going to cost you any extra. I love these items and want to share them with you.

These should help facilitate the organization to easily store your items!

3. Get your calendar for the New Year. Now is the time to see what your schedule looks like. It’s too easy this time of year to overcommit. I recommend using a daily planner for you and a calendar for the rest of the household. This gets everyone on the same page. Tech savvy people can set up a calendar on the phone or laptop and send it to the other people in your life. Pick a daily planner that resonates with you. There are many different styles out there. One of my favorite planners is the Living Well Planner, completely customizable and allows you to factor in all aspects of your life for the purpose of scheduling and organizing all in one book. This makes a nice gift as well.

4. Set goals for each month. To be better, we need to do better. Whatever did not
happen this past year leaves opportunity for the new year. I would encourage you to factor in a fun goal as well as goals that include money, work, health, fitness, spiritual and relationships. This may seem like a lot but you just need one goal for each area. You can add other areas as well. Make this your own. I did an earlier blog that went into more detail how to do this so you can look back at that one. Don’t forget to celebrate when you’ve achieved your goal!

A New Year is a blank slate. This year you can be more organized by using one or all of the tips I shared above. My wish for you is to have a healthy, happy, organized New Year!


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