Lonely socks do good works

Uncategorized Mar 06, 2017

Everyone has an unmatched sock pile, don’t you? I do. How did we get it? How long do we keep it? The questions for me are endless. I do think there is some secret connection between washing machine manufacturers and sock companies! (Conspiracy 101!) Think about the time it takes to go through that sock pile and try with a positive attitude to match up all the socks to only match a couple! It’s like being on an emotional roller coaster. Let’s face it,  it’s another chore. One we aren’t likely to put on the chore list.  It probably gets attention only when someone is looking for socks, at least that is how it works in our home.

The fad for some is to wear mismatched socks which is a good thing if you are under the age of 18 and a female.  As an adult, I am not sure that is a professional look for the workplace! I actually saw Amazon selling mismatched socks, can you imagine? Who would pay for that? In a short amount of time, you will have your very own pair through the process of doing the laundry.


I have actually come across 3 uses for those mismatched socks:

1.     Cleaning-perfect for dusting and polishing

2.     Crafts-great for those with little kids if you like to make puppets or would like to have something to contain tiny parts and pieces.

3.     Can be used in a dresser drawer as a potpourri holder just add the lavender.


But then, I came across this brilliant group of college students doing good works with those mismatched socks. It began in Nebraska on a college campus in a dormitory laundry room with the left behind mismatched socks. The socks were washed and then matched up as closely as possible and then donated to a homeless shelter. This is pure brilliance!!! I love this idea! You can start your own local sock drive or your own chapter on a college campus by going to putasockinit.org. This is a nonprofit group whose mission is to take the world’s lonely socks, make them whole and give them back to communities that need them.  I am looking at starting my own sock drive and maybe you will consider it too.


Lonely socks can do good in this world!!!This is a new concept because in our home they are a source of clutter.


Darlene Illig

Professional Organizer, Illig Enterprises, LLC




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