Uncategorized Jun 18, 2016

I had the blues, the post vacation blues....

It felt like a hangover. It was from the high of my vacation to the low of facing everyday life. Let me just say that I had really needed the time off!! Running my business while still working a full time job had wore me out. 

I can't lie about this, I was totally overwhelmed when I got home not to mention unmotivated. I looked around and saw a mountain of things to do and only a day to get it all done. Yes, even organizers get overwhelmed with our own stuff! 

I knew I was going to be in trouble if I didn't get myself together. I thought about what I would tell a client and here's what I did....

First, I unpacked. Seems basic but it is that thing that people will avoid. I've seen people walk around the packed suitcases on the bedroom floor for days. Once I unpacked, I triggered positive momentum in my body and I started to feel like I was coming alive! Mentally, this forced me to get back in the moment and stop living in the vacation fantasy world.

Next, I went grocery shopping. I don't know about you but I when I opened my refrigerator it looked as sad as I felt. Not having snacks or coffee creamer was keeping from feeling like I was home. Looking at my full fridge was a tremendous comfort. 

After the shopping, I got my sweat on. That's right, a work out!!! I did alot of stretching while on vacation because we drove all over the state of Texas and I was stiff. I didn't workout on vacation.  When I finished my workout the endorphins loosened up my body and pumped new life into me. 

Since I had food and a good workout it was a perfect time for me to make a healthy, home-cooked meal. I really needed a salad, as strange as it sounds. Clearly, I let myself eat and drink whatever I felt because I was on vacation. It was time to reign myself in!!  Having this meal was helpful for me and my family in bringing us back to reality. There is something so normal in sitting around the table talking about the vacation highlights. 

After dinner, I went through the mountain of mail. It would've been so easy to turn a blind eye and ignore it. However, I knew that it was only going to get bigger and bigger. I went right into SORT mode: Keep, Toss, and in this case Review later. In the keep pile went all of the bills and important papers. I threw out the junk mail right there and then. Magazines or things I didn't have time to read at that moment went into Review later status. In no time, the mountain was gone!! Phew, that felt good....

The last thing I did was go through what i needed to prepare for the next day. This was because I had a feeling I would be tired and want to sleep in some extra minutes. It helped me sleep more peacefully because I knew all I had to do was get up and get myself ready for the day. 

The blues began to go away as I focused on what I needed to do. In my head, I made a plan for my next vacation!! In the meantime, I put a palm tree on my phone to leave me with a little reminder of my vacation feeling. There's nothing wrong with that!!!!


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