IT'S NOT ME.....

Uncategorized Jun 18, 2016

So this blog is about everyone else.....

This is for the person who is ORGANIZED but living with the DISORGANIZED, is that you??  In Digging Deeper, I talk about how we can overcome those around us who are less than inspired to live in an organized space. What I have found is that COMMUNICATION is key to success. I know that word gets thrown around alot but it is true. You have to do a couple of things:
1. Share your goal for the living space
2. Be a good role model
3. Cheer them on-positive reinforcement
4. Celebrate

So, let's break them down....
1.) Sharing your goal for the space with those you live with is probably the step most people forget to do. We ASSUME others will know what we are trying to achieve. They can't know so you have to share it with them. I don't care if you draw it on paper, cut out pictures from magazines, etc it has to be done. Your definition of organized is just that, YOURS. Mine may be very different. So be clear and concise!

2.) Be a good role model in the way you treat the space. If you aren't demonstrating what you want your end result to look like, how can you expect anyone else??  In my business, I hear alot of people say it isn't me, it's my spouse or my kids. I like to ask, " what are you doing to keep the space tidy and organized?" If you aren't but you are complaining then you must start by looking in the mirror. If on the other hand, you are and the people are still messy then you have a place to start the discussion. 

3.) Focus on the POSITIVE. This is what we all want to hear. Who wants to come home and be nagged for not being organized? No one!!!!! Even though you may be thinking some not-so kind things, keep it POSITIVE!! This may require tremendous effort for those of us in the habit of letting it fly when we want to open our mouths. You must remember what your goal is and stick to it. 

4.) Celebrating works really well with children when you are trying to teach them to pick up and be organized. For your spouse it can come in more creative forms. I like to think of it as a reward for results. By making the organizational process a team effort you can easily make rewarding fun. For spouses, what works best is to give them their own space where you don't go. So that becomes their reward spot when they help you. This could be the garage, a space in the basement, etc. You can really be creative with this.

Making the organizational process a positive one will go a long way in affecting your family. Say good-bye to battles and hello to a more peaceful homelife!!


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