Organize the Inside to Organize the Outside

Uncategorized Apr 26, 2024

As a Professional Organizer, I’ve had the honor of working with hundreds and hundreds of clients on their declutter journeys. What I have learned starting with myself is that clutter is more than stuff in your living spaces or closets. It comes from within. There are three areas to focus on: mind, body and soul. The goal is to be better today than yesterday.


Distracted? Feeling like you’re in a fog? Can’t remember anything? Time to declutter your mind. Here are 5 practices you may need to implement in your life today. One at a time is ideal until you have mastered each practice.

  • Get quality sleep
  • Eat well
  • Move the body to help your mind
  • Silence is golden- spend a little time each day without any distraction.
  • Write it down-do not expect your brain to remember the billions of thoughts that run through it on the daily.


Lacking in physical stamina? Identify which of these below you could implement in your daily life today. Try to pick one at a time.

  1. Take care of your mind(see above)
  2. Keep up with your check ups for medical, dental and mental health
  3. Pay attention to what your body needs. (Sleep, hunger, quiet, movement, etc )
  4. Move daily. Work to your ability and a little beyond each day. A walk does every body good. Start there.
  5. Fuel your body with good food rather than junk.


Do you struggle with deep wounds? Are you anxious about everything? I am not a Mental Health Professional, I cannot give medical advice about your specific condition. Below are some basic places to start in clearing clutter deep within.

  1. Practice being silent- focus on God. Start with just a few minutes and see how much
    you can increase your silent time.
  2. Write down what comes to you in silence.
  3. Be intentional with each day
  4. Practice gratitude
  5. Do things for others. Performing works of charity can lift your spirits.

How we feel on the inside can impact what is going on outside our bodies in our living spaces. This can in turn affect relationships and choices we make. Ultimately, those areas would become cluttered. Start small and really focus on each area as you see the need to arise.


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