Uncategorized Jun 18, 2016

So, I've been doing a little reading. Last week I read, Eat that frog by Brian Tracy. What a powerful read!! 

This brings me to challenge myself and so I challenge YOU! 
Answer this.....
What three areas of you life could use improvement  right now? 

Seems like an abstract question at first but when we sit down and really think about it, it is POWEFUL!!  So much of what we do is really not doing anything to help us, it is busy work or secondary to what we would like to achieve.  The purpose of this question is to get you to take notice of where your focus would be better served. Channeling that focus is the secret to your success.  Many of us would probably list finances, family and exercise as our top 3. If you have something different that is perfectly fine. 

Of the 3 areas which is of the greatest importance to you?

This is the frog you must eat in order to accomplish everything else. So, maybe it is financial. In order for you to establish an exercise plan you would need a gym membership and that costs money. In order for you to spend more time with your family you would need to pay off debt. Financial would be the FOCUS in this case. Does this make sense?
So once you've identified that thing you need to focus on, map out all that it will take to accomplish this. Work backward with the end in mind. Let's use financial again as our example. Having more money to do the things you want to do results in knowing how you will achieve this. Working backward we see that paying off bills will certainly provide you with more money. How do we do that? Decrease your spending and avoid credit card usage. Create a budget and stick to it. This also needs a time attached to it to be very serious about this plan. It's more than words, it's going to be an action plan for you. It has to be defined on paper no matter what it is. 

I encourage you to take the time to sort out your 3 areas and then find your focus. Successful people become successful because they focused on 1 thing at a time. There is no reward for multi-tasking here. So many of us have become accustomed to juggling many things at once. I was a juggler who learned the hard way that I had really not accomplished anything. Applying a focus to my #1 priority was what got me out of the black hole and that was before I read this book. Wish I'd known about it sooner!!

I am issuing a challenge to you to find your 3 areas of improvement and then identify  the one thing that has to be done in order for you to take care of the other 2. This becomes your #1 point of focus. Then you outline all the steps necessary to meet your objective. After that, it is all in your implementation...
The person who will be successful will have such laser sharp focus there is no chance of being distracted. It becomes a part of them out of their desire to improve. 
Do you have what it takes?  Sure, you do! I am cheering for your success!! Be intentional and it will happen, I assure you.



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