This is the continuation of last week's blog on defining what your organizing type is.
Understanding your organizing style can save you
MONEY-when you can't find your bills in a timely manner and they become late this can result in late fees and charges. It could even result in your interest rate increasing if it's a credit card. When I was living in the land of disorganization I once walked around with a utility bill in my purse with every intention of mailing it but I didn't have a stamp so it didn't get mailed. ( this was before on line bill pay!) The next thing I got was a DISCONNECTION notice in the mail! That scared me into finding my inner organizer!!!!!
TIME- How much is your time worth? I had one client who spent 20 hours looking for papers needed to file her taxes! Could you find something to do with that 20 hours??
SANITY-Doesn't it make you crazy when you can't find something? How many times have you said," I had it right here", only to not be able to find it?
Creating a functional paper organizing system will make your life so much better. It is the best feeling when you can say, " I got it right here" and it is actually there!
For more organizing information you can go to
50% Complete
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