Uncategorized Jun 18, 2016

Finally, we have started to settle into some sort of routine around here. I love a routine don't you? Knowing where I have to be on a regular basis brings me comfort in this crazy, unpredictable world. Where I live there has been multiple snow events which did nothing to help get us into a routine. It has been like this since January! Now, we are feeling the effects(minimally) of spring and the routine is new again! Remember, I told you we hadn't settled into the other routine? Yes, and now we are on to a new one. This routine is the craziest of them all for me.....

This one involves 2 kids playing sports! You know where this is going if, you have children and they play sports or are involved in other activities. Add to this, my husband working extra hours at his job and you have a perfect storm of CRAZY!!!!!!!!! Pick this one up and get the other one there, make dinner, wash the dirty uniform, sound familiar!! I say, "Calgon take me away", remember that commercial???  I will say that sitting in the car while waiting for my child to finish his practice is what allowed me to write a book last spring. This time can and will be used to be productive. Who can afford to lost an hour and and a half while sitting in the car? Not me.

As a mom, this is high level advanced planning at its finest. I do kind of get a high from it when it all comes together. ( I know you are probably thinking I'm sick!) I can't help it, the endorphins release during the stress of planning the day out only to have it change into something else and then it all feels GOOD!!

So, it is really a good idea to take a look at your day before it really begins so you have a plan in place that takes into account the many variables that may come up. It doesn't matter how you do this, there are many different ways. I like to work backwards to plan my day. So, I start with the  end to come up with the beginning. For example, knowing I won't have any time in the evening for me to work out means I have to do it in the morning before work (my least favorite time, ugh!!) This keeps me together mentally and physically. From there, I can figure out who has to be where and when. I got over the "shame" of needing help a long time ago. I ask people, other moms for help in sharing rides to practices or other activities. This has been such a god send for me, I wouldn't be able to do it without these wonderful people. The other thing I am able to do by setting up my day in the morning is to figure out what the meal is for that day based on the schedule for the evening. I can tell whether it is going to be a crock pot night or soup/sandwich. That's right, I feed my kids soup and sandwiches for dinner and there is no shame in it!! They don't go to sleep hungry and that is what is important. On these busy days, I remind myself that I need to cut myself a little slack. Be flexible, be forgiving and try to move without rushing my day away.

 One day my children  aren't going to be around and then I am going to be facing the spring wondering what I did before when I was busy..cherish the crazy periods of your life too. They all contribute to the whole. Life without this might actually be boring??!!

Getting my act together was easy once I set up the framework. Now, it is second nature. My family has come to rely on it, that's why I am "schedule central" to all of them. 

Well, I must be off to set up my day.  So long for now.....

Thanks for listening,


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