Uncategorized Jun 18, 2016

I love fall. I really love fall!!!

I hope you get that! It is the most beautiful time of year in my humble opinion. Where else can you see nature's beautiful palette transform before your eyes?

If you don't live somewhere that has a change of seasons, I am sorry. I really am....you got it see it at least once. Some of you may be somewhere that has already experienced the beauty of the fall transformation because you might have had SNOW!

So I want to share the must do things for FALL in no particular order:
1. a bonfire with smores
2. a hayride
3. visit the pumpkin patch
4. go for a hike through the fall beauty
5. Take a bike ride along a scenic path filled with colorful trees.
6. Go on a ghost walk to a "haunted" place. You can google them for your area
7.Enjoy a glass of mulled wine
8. Be a tourist where you live, see the sights with the beauty of fall surrounding you. It changes the whole feel. I would even encourage you to take a trip to Disney World even though the leaves won't be colorful, it will be cooler and all decorated for fall!
9.Rake the leaves into a big pile and JUMP!
10. Make a pumpkin or apple treat so your house can smell of pumpkin or apple
11. Go to a sporting event-football or soccer or baseball
12. Pick apples
13. Carve a pumpkin
14.Open the windows to feel the chill and air out your house for a little while
15. Host a chili cook off with friends/family

If you have thought of some other ones, please share with us because we are always looking for ideas...
Now, for those of you in an area with no seasonal change you may have to fake your way through this by decorating your home for fall, light a candle with a fall scent (pumpkin, apple, etc) or plan a visit to an area that you can try one of the must-do things!
I think the main reason I love fall is because my birthday is in fall!!! No matter how old I am, I still get excited about my bday!!


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