Uncategorized Jun 18, 2016

I normally do not give out weight loss advice! I don't give out weight loss advice because I don't consider myself a fitness/nutrition professional, other than what I personally follow. This is different! What I am sharing with you embodies what I do know with what I've suspected. 

Decluttering your home will actually help you lose weight.....
I know you are wondering how this can possibly be. Well, when you declutter a space you feel so much better and this carries over to how you feel about YOURSELF! Let's think about what decluttering your kitchen could do for you. Disorganization and clutter make eating healthy extremely difficult. When you have your kitchen and areas like your pantry or cupboards organized you can make better decisions regarding what you eat. 
Organization in general sets you up to better plan your meals and grocery list. This makes it less likely you will find yourself turning to fast food or the pizza deliveryman. 
Peter Walsh, a professional organizer that I have followed wrote a book titled, Lose the clutter, lose the weight.  In his experience those who decluttered and became more organized also realized they lost weight. The people he followed all lost weight and the average weight loss was 10 pounds. Isn't that incredible??? It makes sense to me because getting organized creates a carryover effect into all areas of your life. 
Getting to the heart of your clutter also gets to the heart of weight loss and the extra baggage you've carried around.


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