Uncategorized Jun 18, 2016

Did you break your resolution? It is February and New Year's was at least a month ago! You did....I'm not surprised. 25 % of New Year's resolutions are broken in the first week alone. In 6 months over half of resolutions are broken. Do you know why???

1. You weren't really committed to it in the 1st place-

Maybe you felt pressured into making a resolution so you picked anything?

Maybe you thought you'd pick something popular like working out?

It seemed like a good idea at the time without planning how you would implement the change...

The bottom line is that without commitment or without conviction you are a rowboat in the water without oars! You have to really want this resolution in order to actually achieve success. It won't happen accidentally.

It's really 5 steps!!! So just picking a resolution only jumpstarts the process. We really believe if we ay our resolution it will happen. No, we'll end up feeling disappointed in ourselves and just quit!

" It's so important to believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it, under any circumstances. Because if you believe you can then you really will." 
Wally "famous" Amos

Your best intentions will not be enough to carry you through unless you are devoted. This means that NO MATTER WHAT this is my resolution. 
If it means I have to miss happy hour to work out, I am in!
If it means I give up watching tv to clean out a closet, I'm there.
If it means I get up a little earlier to pack a healthy lunch, I'll do it. 
You see, there must be a paradigm shift to be successful. Something must give. 

Let's take a look at the 2nd reason resolutions are broken-you're too busy.....
Think long and hard at your busy life and see where your resolution fits in. It probably doesn't and that's why it fell off the radar. In order to be successful here you are going to need to figure out exactly what you can do without and what  you can't do without. What remains is what you have to work with. There is nothing gained by setting yourself up for failure. I want you to be a SUCCESS!! Being busy is one of those phrases people throw out as the reason for just about everything that is incomplete in and around them. 
The funny thing about busy is that it can actually be counter productive. We have to overcome busy by setting up our priorities.

For today, I want you to see how you spend your time. Are you really and truly busy every second of you awake time? Keep track of your time for the day being mindful of you do. Write it down. 
Tomorrow you can evaluate and see what is sucking up your time in an efficient manner. Those are the first things to go. This is how you begin to make room for that resolution. 

You can now re-evaluate your resolution. 
Map out the steps you need to take to get it done.
Share it with someone. 
Chart your successes even if small. (they will add up in the end)

It's not to late to get back on track with your resolution. 

"Living each day better than yesterday"


50% Complete

Two Step

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